Schedule of Events

Exhibit Hall Hours

Tuesday, July 23 - 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Wednesday, July 24 - 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Times, sessions and speakers are subject to change. Sessions may be categorized under more than one topic. When selecting topics, please note that you may need to deselect your previous selections or choose "ALL" as multiple selections can be made at once.

12:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Registration Open

1:00 PM – 1:50 PM

Measure – Estimate – Dispatch
All Access

In this action-packed seminar, Mike McCarron will discuss the three main areas where companies lose money year after year, often due to easily corrected operational inefficiencies. While several software options are available to help mitigate these losses and minimize inefficiencies, numerous practical ways exist to improve efficiency and gain a competitive advantage without saddling customers with higher rates. Join Mike as he guides attendees through numerous strategies to regain operational efficiency. WARNING: This session is not for the faint of heart, as attendees may come face-to-face with the reality of their inefficient operations.

Mike McCarron
Speaker Mike McCarron Founder and CEO Image Works Landscape Management (IWLM) View Bio

2:00 PM – 2:50 PM

Put Your Business on Autopilot with Automation
All Access

Every business owner wants to have a business that works harder than they do - but how?? Whether you're just getting started or already making millions in revenue, this seminar is for you. Aaron & Jason are serial entrepreneurs whose businesses have collectively generated over $100 million in revenue. The common thread? Automation, and lots of it! They'll share what they're using, how they are using them, how to get them to communicate with each other, and how to implement an automation strategy that enables infinite scalability. (HINT: It better include heavy doses of Artificial Intelligence!) 

Jason Thomas
Speaker Jason Thomas COO Don's Lawn View Bio
Aaron Thomas
Speaker Aaron Thomas CEO Don's Lawn View Bio

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM

Networking Refreshment Break

3:15 PM – 4:00 PM

The Switch To End-To-End Automation: Straight From The Horse’s Mouth
Technology and Solutions
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Hear directly from business owners who have made the leap from outdated systems to modern, end-to-end automation. Discover the driving forces behind the decision to switch business management software and uncover the shortcomings of legacy systems that are holding businesses back.

Our panel of experts will provide compelling reasons why making the switch is critical for growth and success in today's competitive landscape.

Shawn Prince
Speaker Shawn Prince President, Field Services Attentive View Bio
Shiva Dhawan
Speaker Shiva Dhawan Co-Founder & CEO Attentive View Bio
Nick Gage
Speaker Nick Gage President of Commercial Construction Maldonado Nursery and Landscaping Inc. View Bio
Adam Lowery
Speaker Adam Lowery Managing Partner Valleyscapes View Bio
Kevin Manning
Speaker Kevin Manning Owner KD Landscape Inc. View Bio

4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Synthetic Intelligence: A Generational Opportunity with AI
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It is time to move past the discussion stages on the impact of AI and develop business strategies for deploying it in the green industry. The great news is that any size of organization can afford and apply AI to make business improvements. In this timely session Scott Klososky will walk us through his observations on important AI philosophies, the current state of AI tools, and how to build an AI strategy roadmap for your business. His firm, Future Point of View, has been on the forefront of helping leaders apply synthetic intelligence for over five years and their lessons learned will help you move forward faster with the generational opportunity.

Scott Klososky
Speaker Scott Klososky Founding Partner Future Point of View View Bio

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall

8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Registration Open

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Continental Breakfast

8:15 AM – 9:00 AM

Efficiency Mastery: Leveraging Lean Principles for Success
Technology and Solutions
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This seminar outline provides landscapers with a comprehensive framework for optimizing efficiency in their operations through the application of lean management principles, waste elimination, productivity metrics, project tracking, and incentive plans. By leveraging these strategies, attendees can create an entrepreneurial environment that fosters innovation, growth, and success in their landscaping businesses.
Mark Bradley
Speaker Mark Bradley Co-Founder LMN View Bio

9:00 AM – 9:50 AM

Maximizing Potential: Embracing Automation for Growth

In this presentation, we'll explore the transformative power of automation within the landscape industry. With a focus on enhancing operational efficiencies and driving sustainable growth, we'll delve into the myriad benefits of integrating automated systems into your landscape company.

First, we'll discuss how automated systems lead to increased efficiencies across various facets of your business operations. By streamlining processes and minimizing manual interventions, you can achieve significant time savings and optimize resource utilization.

Furthermore, automation plays a pivotal role in revolutionizing the recruitment, onboarding, and retention processes within your company. By leveraging automated systems for these critical functions, you can streamline workflows, enhance candidate experiences, and foster employee engagement and loyalty. Ultimately, automation translates to more revenue and increased profitability for your landscape company. By achieving higher efficiencies, reducing overhead, and optimizing resource utilization, you can unlock greater financial success while maintaining your existing workforce.

Adam Swank
Speaker Adam Swank Director of Technology Ground Works Land Design View Bio
Dave DiGregorio
Speaker Dave DiGregorio General Manager Ground Works Land Design View Bio

9:00 AM – 9:50 AM

Create A Safety Culture With Cameras

Fairway has seen significant improvements in accidents by using truck cameras to monitor seat belt usage, distracted driving, and speed. CEO, Greg Harbison, and VP of Safety, Jim Milliman, will discuss the thinking behind installing the camera, the installation and roll-out process and how they dealt with any blowback they received from employees.  They will also dive into how the relatively inexpensive cameras also provide evidence of fault and exonerate employees when accidents are caused by other drivers, saving insurance premium and claims costs.

Jim Milliman
Speaker Jim Milliman Vice President of Safety Fairway Lawns View Bio
Greg Harbison
Speaker Greg Harbison CEO Fairway Lawns View Bio

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Networking Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall

10:00 AM – 10:45 AM

AI in Landscaping: Maximize Your Operations
Technology and Solutions
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Get ready to explore the transformative power of artificial intelligence in the landscaping industry. We’ll uncover how AI can revolutionize your operations, from streamlining workflows and optimizing resource use to providing unparalleled insights into crew performance. Discover how embracing AI can lead to smarter production planning, sustainable growth, and exceptional service quality. Join us to learn how AI can elevate your landscaping business to new heights.
Sashikumar Yeddnapudi
Speaker Sashikumar Yeddnapudi Chief Revenue Officer TOP Green View Bio
Bryan Mours
Speaker Bryan Mours Founder Mours Enterprises LLC View Bio

11:00 AM – 11:50 AM

Building Intuitive Reports for Operators

Empowering frontline operators with accessible, user-friendly reports is essential for leveraging the full potential of digital technology. Join Shaw as she explores the art of Democratizing Tech, crafting reports that seamlessly bridge the gap between data analytics and operational insights. This session will enable you to equip every team member at your company with the necessary tools to make informed decisions efficiently, driving success and propelling your growth forward. Here you will discover practical strategies in reporting that uncover your company's full potential.

Natalie Shaw
Speaker Natalie Shaw Director of Business Intelligence Heartland View Bio

11:00 AM – 11:50 AM

Technology Transformation

The story of a new generation of owners who took 25-year-old landscaping business on a 2-year journey from transitioning from old school ways to investing in cutting edge technology to take their company to the next level.

Husband and wife team Heather and Larry Linehan will talk about the good and the bad and more importantly how they successfully made the changes. From getting through the basics to using tools to improve the hiring process to what they have planned for the future, the Linehans will share the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

Heather Linehan
Speaker Heather Linehan Chief Operating Officer Linehan Landscaping View Bio

11:50 AM – 1:00 PM

Networking Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM

Lawnline's Proven Content Strategy, Supercharged By AI & Automation
Technology and Solutions
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Join Lawnline's Founder and CEO, Tony Ricketts, on a dive deep into the proven techniques that transform their clients into content powerhouses, generating millions of dollars in growth. Accompanied by content and marketing experts Jennifer Perez and Dominique Rocheford, they'll explore the strategies that drive visibility and engagement, build brand authority, and attract the right prospects for lawn/landscape companies. Tony will also reveal how integrating cutting-edge AI and automation tools accelerates these strategies, making your content creation process more efficient and effective.

Tony Ricketts
Speaker Tony Ricketts Founder & CEO Lawnline Marketing View Bio
Jennifer Perez
Speaker Jennifer Perez Digital Marketing Associate Director Lawnline Marketing View Bio
Dominique Rocheford
Speaker Dominique Rocheford Senior Content & AI Strategist Lawnline Marketing View Bio

1:00 PM – 1:50 PM

Unlock Efficiency: Maximize your Existing Internal Communication Tools

Discover how to optimize internal communication tools in your organization. From various channels like mass text messaging to leveraging the power of your company's intranet, we'll delve into efficient communication methods. Explore the integration of a Learning Management System (LMS) with a current Human Resources System (HRS) for seamless operations. Learn strategies to maximize existing investments and fully utilize current capabilities. Uncover productivity-boosting features within familiar tools such as Office 365. Join us on this journey to enhance internal communication efficiency together.

Kristin Hunt
Speaker Kristin Hunt Special Projects Manager Monarch Landscape Management View Bio
Alicia Abell
Speaker Alicia Abell Branch Manager Monarch Landscape Management View Bio

1:00 PM – 1:50 PM

The 5-Year Push: Leveraging Technology for Exponential Growth

In 2018, Nasim Landscape, led by owner Niwar Nasim, made a pivotal decision to prioritize technology at what was then a $1-million-dollar company. This strategic focus on technology catalyzed a transformation, propelling the company to a remarkable $10 million in revenue today. In this session, Niwar Nasim and Christian Guerrero will delve into the journey of implementing various software and technological advancements that fueled this impressive growth. They will share insights on the challenges and successes encountered along the way, and discuss how artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge tech tools are poised to drive Nasim Landscape to even greater heights. Join us to learn how leveraging technology can lead to exponential business growth and discover the future tech trends that can transform your organization.

Niwar Nasim
Speaker Niwar Nasim President Nasim Landscape View Bio
Christian Guerrero
Speaker Christian Guerrero Business Development Manager Nasim Landscape View Bio

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Networking Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM

Using Technology to Build a Better Workforce
Technology and Solutions
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It is no secret that labor is one of the biggest challenges that the green industry is facing today. Between recruitment challenges and retention issues, the competition is fierce amongst green industry companies to find, build and maintain teams of loyal, reliable and skilled workers while also growing and running a profitable business. But everyone’s biggest question - how?

Could the solution lie within your technology systems?

In this panel session, WorkWave COO Joe Pascaretta will sit down with green companies just like yours to discuss how they utilize their technology systems to help tackle their current labor challenges - from marketing to prospective employees, uncovering the value in automation and data-driven processes, using technology to ease workforce challenges during M&A, to AI-driven initiatives. Are you ready to build (and keep) a team you are proud of?

Joseph Pascaretta
Speaker Joseph Pascaretta COO WorkWave View Bio
Jeff Davis
Speaker Jeff Davis SVP & Labor Expert WorkWave View Bio
Gil Grattan
Speaker Gil Grattan President Virginia Green View Bio
Alec McClennan
Speaker Alec McClennan Founder Good Nature Organic Lawn Care View Bio

3:00 PM – 3:50 PM

Generative AI Workshop

Join Wade Gerten, owner of Clearscape Outdoor Services, as he returns to the Lawn & Landscape Technology Conference to briefly discuss how Generative AI can help your teams delegate mundane tasks to AI, allowing them to focus on higher-value work. He will showcase practical and visionary examples of how you might apply AI to your operations.

The heart of this session is an interactive workshop where attendees will become AI Engineers. Collaborate with peers to brainstorm and co-create innovative, AI-driven solutions to real-world challenges in the green industry. Leave with actionable insights and ideas to transform your business with GenAI. Don't miss this opportunity to dive deep into the practical applications of AI and revolutionize your landscaping operations.

Wade Gerten
Speaker Wade Gerten Owner Clearscape Outdoor Services View Bio

3:00 PM – 3:50 PM

Turn Ideas Into Action By Creating Your Vision

In this talk, Justin White will share how you take what you learn this week about technology and innovation and infuse it with a vision that revolutionizes your operation. A vision that will make people move forward. All great ideas are only ideas until you create action. White will share how he has taken K&D Landscaping from $1 million to $20 million in less than 10 years by creating a company vision focused on growth and embracing technology.

White will be sharing a case study on labor variance and how measuring and incentivizing his team on labor hours is how they massively increased their gross profit over the course of the last 3 years.

Justin White
Speaker Justin White CEO K&D Landscaping View Bio

4:00 PM – 4:50 PM

Panel: The Present And Future Of Battery Powered Products

Battery-powered equipment continues to pick up steam both on the manufacturer and user side, but at what rate? Panelists will discuss their experiences with the tools, and where they see room for improvement and take the audience through the advantages. From return on investment, to effects on employees and customers, to going through the buying process, this panel will dig into all the details around a possible change.

Brian Horn
Moderator Brian Horn Editor Lawn & Landscape magazine View Bio
Dan Mabe
Speaker Dan Mabe CEO and President American Green Zone Alliance View Bio
John Snodgrass
Speaker John Snodgrass Director of Finance and Technology Dennis' 7 Dees View Bio
Pete Kehoe
Speaker Pete Kehoe VP, Operations Manager LaurelRock View Bio

4:50 PM – 6:00 PM

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall

8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Registration Open

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Networking Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM – 9:50 AM

All Things Autonomous

Manufacturers continue to make strides when it comes to autonomous mowers, but users are still slow to make significant investments in the tools. Panelists will discuss their approach to researching which ones to use, their experiences with the mowers, what they would change about them and much more. Panelists will also discuss where the mowers could be improved as well as how the mowers have enhanced their companies.

Kim Lux
Moderator Kim Lux Associate Editor Lawn & Landscape magazine View Bio
Robyn Schmitz
Speaker Robyn Schmitz Owner and CEO High Prairie Outdoors View Bio
Maurice Coley
Speaker Maurice Coley Superintendent of Landscape Operations Georgia Southern University View Bio
Marion Delano
Speaker Marion Delano Director of Technology and Marketing Level Green Landscaping View Bio

10:00 AM – 10:50 AM

Networking Refreshment Break

10:00 AM – 10:50 AM

Putting Technology to Work for Your Workforce
Technology and Solutions
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Technology promises efficiency, but the operational realities of landscaping companies can make the promise of technology difficult to realize, and even worse, create new silos and inefficiencies when access is uneven. In this session, Team Engine Co-Founder will talk about what a guard tower in Afghanistan taught him about operationalizing technology for the field, and how technology is evolving to extend the benefits of innovation beyond the office to your entire operation.
Carlos del Pozo
Speaker Carlos del Pozo Co-Founder Team Engine View Bio

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Pioneer Panel

Some of the early adopters of technology and software in the green industry will cover several aspects of tech in the market. Not only will they touch on the challenges and triumphs of investing in technology in the “early days,” but they will also discuss how far the industry has come, how landscapers are still technologically-behind, what the future holds and much more.

Brian Horn
Moderator Brian Horn Editor Lawn & Landscape magazine View Bio
Bill Seven
Speaker Bill Seven Founder and CEO Include Software View Bio
Mike Rorie
Speaker Mike Rorie Former CEO GIS Dynamics View Bio
Mike Cossins
Speaker Mike Cossins Founder/President The Integra Group/Boss Software View Bio
Mark Bradley
Speaker Mark Bradley Co-Founder LMN View Bio
Mark Tipton
Speaker Mark Tipton Founder/CEO Aspire Software View Bio
Joe Kucik
Speaker Joe Kucik Founder Real Green Systems View Bio

12:45 PM – 3:30 PM

Greenzie Facility Tour (optional add-on, additional fee) - SOLD OUT
Greenzie - Atlanta, Georgia
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You’ve toured a landscaping company before, but have you ever toured a high tech robotic software laboratory? In addition to being the most high tech prototype outdoor power equipment showroom you’ve ever seen (with mowers from 5+ manufacturers coming out soon), you’ll get a behind scenes tour of how Greenzie operates, from our operational excellence, software and safety validation processes from big agriculture to aerospace, and all the processes that help validate the safety of our software, deploy to customers weekly, down to the rhythms we use to run a high octane, high growth business.

  • Preview of new technologies coming soon to your landscaping business
  • How Greenzie runs 2 week sprints (iterative, agile development) to run our business and how you might implement the two week sprint for your internal ops or IT projects
  • How a software company runs day to day (to take back to your landscaping business)
  • How we attract talent, upskill, and retain them both in office and remote (useful as you upskill your people)
  • How we do financial modeling, deploy software, run a high growth business, and more

Click Here for More Information

The Greenzie Facility Tour is currently SOLD OUT. Please email to request to be added to the waitlist.