Lawn & Landscape
Lawn & Landscape is the leading b2b publication serving the $70-billion landscape and lawn care industry. With a suite of services – including a monthly print edition, dozens of e-newsletters, active social media accounts and events – Lawn & Landscape provides landscape business owners with the research, insight and analysis to help them grow their companies.
Lawn & Landscape is owned by GIE Media, based in Valley View, Ohio. GIE Media, Inc. is a leading b2b media company serving 14 different industries through print and digital magazines, websites, e-newsletters, apps, conferences, reference books and other media platforms. GIE Media, Inc., is headquartered in Valley View, Ohio and employs more than 100 editors, publishers, sales representatives, marketers and other professionals.
The company goal of Group Interest Enterprises is to publish the highest quality business magazines, websites, e-newsletters, conferences, reference books and other forms of business media in growth industries, with a quality standard based upon editorial value and market leadership.
Click here to visit Lawn & Landscape's website.