Speaker Presentation Preparation Guide

Preparing for Your Presentation:

Prior to the Lawn & Landscape Technology Conference, your session moderator (where relevant) and/or Lawn & Landscape magazine contact will reach out to you with details regarding the details of your session(s). A call will be scheduled between the moderator (if applicable), the contact and all of the session speakers to discuss and organize your presentations for the session.

Format (if applicable):

All presentations (if you are planning to use a presentation deck) should be prepared in a PowerPoint format with the slide size set to 16:9 (widescreen). Presentations can either be emailed to Michelle Riley at MRiley@gie.net by July 14, 2025, or provided on site at the Registration Desk.

Please send presentations titled as the following: your full name, event initials (LLTC25), and session title. (Example: John Smith – LLTC25 – Session Title)

Are there guidelines for my presentation?

Presentations should not be solely focused on the company you represent unless otherwise specified. While some background information may be required, we ask that this be limited to 1 to 2 minutes at most unless your presentation is directly relating to the company you represent. In our experience, audiences much prefer educational material directly related to the topic rather than a direct sales pitch. Please use this time to help us inform our attendees on the specific subject of your session.

Q&A Details:

A series of pre-planned questions may be issued by the moderator to all speakers prior to the session.

Audience questions will not be arranged beforehand. Please be prepared to answer other questions regarding your topic.

PowerPoint Template

We have created a Lawn & Landscape Technology Conference PowerPoint Template for you to use if you are planning on having a presentation. If you choose not to use the conference template above and would like you to use your own slides, please feel free to do so.